Andrew Melick | September 17, 2021

Data Engine Technologies LLC v. Google LLC

Decided on August 26, 2021

Reyna, Hughes, Stoll. Opinion by Stoll.


This case is a second appeal to the CAFC. In the first appeal, the CAFC reversed the district court and determined that certain claims of patents owned by Data Engine Technologies LLC (DET) directed to spreadsheet technologies are patent eligible subject matter. In arguing patent eligible subject matter, DET emphasized the claimed improvement as being unique to three-dimensional spreadsheets. On remand, the district court construed the preamble of the claims having the phrase “three-dimensional spreadsheet” as limiting, and based on this claim construction, granted Google’s motion for summary judgment of noninfringement. In this appeal, the CAFC affirmed the district court’s determination that the preamble of the claims is limiting and that the district court’s construction of the term “three-dimensional spreadsheet” is correct. Thus, the CAFC affirmed the district court’s summary judgment of noninfringement.


DET’s patents at issue in this case are U.S. Patent Nos. 5,590,259;  5,784,545; and 6,282,551 directed to systems and methods for displaying and navigating three-dimensional electronic spreadsheets. They describe providing “an electronic spreadsheet system including a notebook interface having a plurality of notebook pages, each of which contains a spread of information cells, or other desired page type.” Figs. 2A and 2D of the ‘259 patent are shown below. Fig. 2A shows a spreadsheet page having notebook tabs along the bottom edge. Fig. 2D shows just the notebook tabs of the spreadsheet.

Claim 12 of the ‘259 patent is a representative claim and is provided below:

12. In an electronic spreadsheet system for storing and manipulating information, a computer-implemented method of representing a three-dimensional spreadsheet on a screen display, the method comprising:

displaying on said screen display a first spreadsheet page from a plurality of spreadsheet pages, each of said spreadsheet pages comprising an array of information cells arranged in row and column format, at least some of said information cells storing user-supplied information and formulas operative on said user-supplied information, each of said information cells being uniquely identified by a spreadsheet page identifier, a column identifier, and a row identifier;

while displaying said first spreadsheet page, displaying a row of spreadsheet page identifiers along one side of said first spreadsheet page, each said spreadsheet page identifier being displayed as an image of a notebook tab on said screen display and indicating a single respective spreadsheet page, wherein at least one spreadsheet page identifier of said displayed row of spreadsheet page identifiers comprises at least one user-settable identifying character;

receiving user input for requesting display of a second spreadsheet page in response to selection with an input device of a spreadsheet page identifier for said second spreadsheet page;

in response to said receiving user input step, displaying said second spreadsheet page on said screen display in a manner so as to obscure said first spreadsheet page from display while continuing to display at least a portion of said row of spreadsheet page identifiers; and

receiving user input for entering a formula in a cell on said second spreadsheet page, said formula including a cell reference to a particular cell on another of said spreadsheet pages having a particular spreadsheet page identifier comprising at least one user-supplied identifying character, said cell reference comprising said at least one user-supplied identifying character for said particular spreadsheet page identifier together with said column identifier and said row identifier for said particular cell.

In the first appeal regarding patent eligibility, DET argued that a key aspect of the patents “was to improve the user interface by reimagining the three-dimensional electronic spreadsheet using a notebook metaphor.” DET argued that claim 12 is directed to patent-eligible subject matter because it is to a concept that solves “a problem that is unique to not only computer spreadsheet applications …., but specifically three-dimensional electronic spreadsheets.” In that appeal, the CAFC agreed that claim 12 is to patent eligible subject matter and remanded to the district court.

On remand, during claim construction, a dispute arose over whether the preamble is a limitation of the claims requiring construction, and if so, what is the proper construction of the term. The district court determined that the preamble is limiting and determined that the term “three-dimensional spreadsheet” means a “spreadsheet that defines a mathematical relation among cells on different spreadsheet pages, such that cells are arranged in a 3-D grid.” Based on this interpretation, Google moved for summary judgment of noninfringement because Google Sheets is not a “three-dimensional spreadsheet” as required by the claims. The district court granted the motion because “Google Sheets does not allow a user to define the relative position of cells in all three dimensions and is, therefore, incapable of infringing” the claims.

In this appeal, DET argued that the preamble term “three-dimensional spreadsheet” is not limiting and thus does not have patentable weight. The CAFC disagreed stating that a patentee cannot rely on language found in the preamble of the claim to successfully argue patent eligible subject matter, and then later assert that the preamble term has no patentable weight for purposes of showing infringement. The CAFC stated that “[w]e have repeatedly rejected efforts to twist claims, ‘like a nose of wax,’ in ‘one way to avoid [invalidity] and another to find infringement.’” In citing an analogous case, the CAFC stated that it cannot be argued that the preamble has no weight when the preamble was used in prosecution to distinguish prior art. In re Cruciferous Sprout Litig., 301 F.3d 1343, 1347–48 (Fed. Cir. 2002). The CAFC concluded that because DET emphasized the preamble term to support patent eligibility, the preamble term “three-dimensional spreadsheet” is limiting.

DET next argued that the construction of “three-dimensional spreadsheet” does not require “a mathematical relation among cells on different spreadsheet pages” as required by the district court’s construction. The CAFC stated that the claim language and the specification do not provide guidance on whether the mathematical relation is required. However, the CAFC looked to the prosecution history. To overcome a rejection based on a prior art reference, the applicant provided a definition of a “true” three-dimensional spreadsheet and stated that the prior art does not provide a true 3D spreadsheet. According to the applicant, a “true” three-dimensional spreadsheet “defines a mathematical relation among cells on the different pages so that operations such as grouping pages and establishing 3D ranges have meaning.” Based on this definition provided in the prosecution history, the CAFC stated that the district court properly interpreted “three-dimensional spreadsheet” as requiring a mathematical relation among cells on different spreadsheet pages.

DET argued that the definition provided in the prosecution history does not rise to the level of “clear and unmistakable” disclaimer when read in context. Specifically, DET stated in the same remarks that the prior art reference is a three-dimensional spreadsheet, and thus, could not have been distinguishing the prior art based on the three-dimensional spreadsheet feature. DET stated that they distinguished the prior art on the basis that the prior art linked different user-named spreadsheet files and that this is not the same as the claimed “user-named pages in a 3D spreadsheet.” Thus, DET argued that the statements defining a “true” 3D spreadsheet are irrelevant. However, the CAFC stated that they have held patentees to distinguishing statements made during prosecution even if they said more than needed to overcome a prior art rejection citing Saffran v. Johnson & Johnson, 712 F.3d 549, 559 (Fed. Cir. 2013). Thus, the CAFC concluded that even if the specific definition of a “true” 3D spreadsheet was not necessary to overcome the rejection, the express definition was provided, and DET cannot escape the effect of this statement made to the USPTO by suggesting that the statement was not needed to overcome the rejection. The CAFC affirmed the district court’s claim construction and its summary judgment of noninfringement.


In litigation, you will not be able to vary the construction of claims one way for validity and another way for infringement. Also, if you rely on features in the preamble of a claim for validity, the preamble will be considered as limiting and having patentable weight for infringement purposes.

Another key point from this case is that during prosecution of a patent application, you should say as little as possible to distinguish the prior art. Distinguishing statements in the prosecution history, even if not necessary to overcome the prior art, can be used to limit your claims.


Stephen G. Adrian | September 8, 2021

Seabed Geosolutions (US) Inc., v. Magseis FF LLC

Decided August 11, 2021

Before Moore, Linn and Chen


            This precedential opinion reminds us of when it is proper to rely on extrinsic evidence when construing the meaning of claim terms. Claim construction begins with the intrinsic evidence, which includes the claims, written description, and prosecution history. If the meaning of a claim term is clear from the intrinsic evidence, there is no reason to resort to extrinsic evidence.


            Fairfield Industries Inc. (the predecessor to Magseis) had sued Seabed Geosolutions for infringement of U.S. Reissue Patent No. RE45,268 directed to seismometers. Seabed Geosolutions petitioned for inter partes review which was instituted by the Board. Interestingly, although not in the opinion, the Board’s institution decision had commented on the meaning of the claim term at issue, “internally fixed.” The institution decision specifically noted that there was nothing in the specification to suggest an intent for “internally fixed” to exclude gimbaled, specifically quoting Phillips v. AWH Corp., 415 F.3d 1303, 1315 (Fed. Cir. 2005) that the specification “is the single best guide to the meaning of a disputed term” and is usually “dispositive.” The institution decision went on to conclude that the specification does not appear to limit “internally fixed” and instead appears to contemplate a broad meaning.

            During the IPR proceeding, however, extrinsic evidence had been presented, causing the Board to find that the specification was not dispositive one way or the other as to the meaning of “internally fixed.” Nine pages of the Board’s decision (also not specifically discussed by the CAFC) was dedicated to a discussion of “internally fixed.” The Board, looking at the extrinsic evidence, thus concluded that in the context of the field of art, one of ordinary skill would understand that the term “fixed” indicates that the geophone is not gimbaled.


            Every independent claim of the ‘268 patent recites “a geophone internally fixed within” either a housing or an internal compartment. Geophones are used to detect seismic reflections from subsurface structures. The Board concluded that the prior art cited in the IPR failed to disclose the geophone limitation. Seabed appealed by arguing that the Board erred in it claim construction of the geophone limitation.

            The CAFC reviews the Board’s claim construction and any supporting determinations based on intrinsic evidence de novo, while subsidiary fact findings involving extrinsic evidence are reviewed for substantial evidence. The CAFC emphasized prior precedent indicating:

For inter partes review petitions filed before November 13, 2018, the Board uses the broadest reasonable interpretation (BRI) standard to construe claim terms. See 37 C.F.R. § 42.100(b) (2017). Under that standard, “claims are given their broadest reasonable interpretation consistent with the specification, not necessarily the correct construction under the framework laid out in Phillips.” PPC Broadband, Inc. v. Corning Optical Commc’ns RF, LLC, 815 F.3d 734, 742 (Fed. Cir. 2016) (citing Phillips v. AWH Corp., 415 F.3d 1303 (Fed. Cir. 2005) (en banc)). But we still “give[] primacy” to intrinsic evidence, and we resort to extrinsic evidence to construe claims only if it is consistent with the intrinsic evidence. Tempo Lighting, Inc. v. Tivoli, LLC, 742 F.3d 973, 977 (Fed. Cir. 2014); see also Phillips, 415 F.3d at 1318 (“[A] court should discount any expert testimony ‘that is clearly at odds with the claim construction mandated by the claims themselves, the written description, and the prosecution history.’” (quoting Key Pharms. v. Hercon Labs. Corp., 161 F.3d 709, 716 (Fed. Cir. 1998))).

            Based on the given standard, the CAFC reviewed the Board’s construction that “geophone internally fixed within [the] housing” requires a non-gimbaled geophone. The CAFC had noted that the Board’s construction was based entirely on extrinsic evidence. This was an error because claim construction begins with examining the intrinsic evidence (claims, written description and prosecution history). Of note, if the meaning of a claim term is clear from the intrinsic evidence, there is no reason to resort to extrinsic evidence (citing Profectus Tech. LLC v. Huawei Techs. Co., 823 F.3d 1375, 1380 (Fed. Cir. 2016)(“Extrinsic evidence may not be used ‘to contradict claimmeaning that is unambiguous in light of the intrinsic evidence.’”(quoting Phillips, 415 F.3d at 1324)).

            Based upon the intrinsic evidence, “fixed” carries its ordinary meaning of attached or fastened. The adverb “internally” with “fixed” specifies the geophone’s relationship with the housing, not the type of geophone, which is consistent with the specification. The specification describes mounting the geophone inside the housing as a key feature and says nothing about the geophone being gimbaled or non-gimbaled. The specification touted the “self-contained” approach 18 times and never mentions gimbaled or non-gimbaled, nor providing a reason to exclude gimbals.

            Magseis had attempted to argue that Fig. 1 limits the claims to a non-gimbaled geophone, but this was not persuasive. Fig. 1 merely disclosed geophone 18 as a black box.

            The prosecution history also suggests the construction of the word fixed as meaning mounted or fastened. Each time the word came up, the applicant and examiner understood it in its ordinary sense to mean mounted or fastened. Since the intrinsic evidence consistently informed a skilled artisan that fixed means mounted or fastened, “resort to extrinsic evidence is unnecessary.” As such, the Board erred in reaching a narrower interpretation.


            If the meaning of a claim term is clear from the intrinsic evidence, there is no reason to resort to extrinsic evidence.

            Extrinsic evidence may not be used to contradict claim meaning which is unambiguous in light of the intrinsic evidence.

PTAB’s sua sponte claim construction without adequate notice and opportunity to respond violates patent owner’s procedural rights under APA

Fumika Ogawa | August 26, 2021

Qualcomm Inc. v. Intel Co.

Decided on July 27, 2021

Moore, Reyna, and Stoll.  Opinion by Moore.


The Federal Circuit vacated and remanded inter partes review (IPR) final written decisions from the Patent Trial and Appeal Board, holding that the Board violated the patent owner’s rights to notice and opportunity under Administrative Procedure Act (APA) to respond to the Board’s sua sponte construction of an undisputed claim term.


The appeal stems from six IPR proceedings before the Board where Intel challenged certain claims of U.S. Patent No. 9,608,675 (“the ‘675 Patent”) owned by Qualcomm. 

The ‘675 patent relates to power tracking for generating a power supply voltage for a circuit that processes multiple transmit signals sent simultaneously.  One of various claim terms at issue in the IPR is “plurality of carrier aggregated transmit signals,” which appears in representative claim 1, among other challenged claims:

            1. An apparatus comprising:

a power tracker configured to determine a single power tracking signal based on a plurality of inphase (I) and quadrature (Q) components of a plurality of carrier aggregated transmit signals being sent simultaneously, wherein the power tracker receives the plurality of I and Q components corresponding to the plurality of carrier aggregated transmit signals and generates the single power tracking signal based on a combination of the plurality of I and Q components, wherein the plurality of carrier aggregated transmit signals comprise Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) or Single Carrier Frequency Division Multiple Access (SC-FDMA) signals;

a power supply generator configured to generate a single power supply voltage based on the single power tracking signal; and

a power amplifier configured to receive the single power supply voltage and the plurality of carrier aggregated transmit signals being sent simultaneously to produce a single output radio frequency (RF) signal.

(Emphasis added.)

Intel’s proposed interpretation of the term was:

“signals for transmission on multiple carriers at the same time to increase the bandwidth for a user.”

Qualcomm’s version was:

“signals from a single terminal utilizing multiple component carriers which provide extended transmission bandwidth for a user transmission from the single terminal.”

The increased bandwidth requirement, included in both parties’ interpretations despite a slight difference in wording, is not explicitly recited in the patent claims although the specification indicates that the invention may enable increased bandwidth among other advantages.  Unlike other parts of claim interpretations, the requirement was not extensively discussed over the course of an oral hearing held after the briefing.  The parties appeared to have agreed upon this issue.

The Board found that all the challenged claims were unpatentable in its final written decisions, construing the term to simply mean “signals for transmission on multiple carriers.” Without the increased bandwidth requirement, the broader scope of the claim term was found obvious over the asserted prior art.  Qualcomm appealed, arguing that the Board’s construction of the claim term was made without notice or opportunity to respond.[1]

On appeal, the Federal Circuit found that the Board violated Qualcomm’s rights to notice and a fair opportunity to be heard mandated by due process and the APA. The relevant APA provisions require that the PTO in an IPR proceeding:

  • timely inform the patent owner of the matters of fact and law asserted;
  • provide all interested parties opportunity for the submission and consideration of facts and arguments and hearing and decision on notice; and
  • allow a party to submit rebuttal evidence as may be required for a full and true disclosure of the facts.

(Alterations and citation omitted.)

The Federal Circuit distinguished cases where the Board adopted its own claim construction as to a disputed term.  Because the inclusion of the increased bandwidth requirement was not disputed, the present case is governed by SAS Institute, Inc. v. ComplementSoft, LLC, where the Federal Circuit set aside the Board’s final decision deviating from its previously adopted, agreed-upon claim construction for want of a notice and opportunity to respond, because neither party could possibly have imagined that undisputed claim terms were actually “moving targets,” such that the parties had no reason to set forth alternative arguments as to hypothetical constructions not asserted by their opponent.

Intel’s counterarguments were: (1) Qualcomm did not show prejudice; (2) the oral hearing provided Qualcomm notice and an opportunity to respond; and (3) Qualcomm had an option to move for rehearing which would be an adequate opportunity to respond.  The Federal Circuit rejected all of them, finding:

(1) Qualcomm was prejudiced.

Qualcomm consistently argued throughout the proceeding that the increased bandwidth requirement was missing in the prior art.  Removal of that requirement from the claim construction released Intel from its burden of proof.  Also, without notice of the Board’s omission of the requirement in reaching the final decision, Qualcomm was deprived of the opportunity to provide further brief or evidence in support of its claim interpretation.

(2) The oral hearing did not provide Qualcomm notice and opportunity to respond.

During the oral hearing, the increased bandwidth requirement was only mentioned in a single question directed to Intel, whereas Qualcomm was never asked about the requirement.  No announcement of the Board’s construction or criticism of the parties’ agreed-upon requirement was presented.  Further, the requirement was not included in a sua sponte order made after the hearing, where the Board requested additional briefing on a completely separate claim term.

(3) Qualcomm does not need to seek rehearing before appealing the Board’s decision lacking a requisite notice and opportunity to respond.

The general principle is that a party has the right to appeal a final written decision in an IPR without first requesting a rehearing before the Board.  Moreover, an exhaustion requirement should not be imposed where finality of the agency action, such as the final written decision, already exists under the APA.  As such, even though rehearing would allow for a more efficient use of judicial resources, it is not a requirement before appealing the final written decision.


  • In an IPR, the Board may sua sponte enter its own construction of an undisputed claim term different from those agreed upon by the litigating parties if they are afforded a fair notice and opportunity to respond.
  • A litigant in an IPR should be cautious of a potential “moving target” even if there has been an agreement on claim construction with an opposing party. 
  • Why did Intel not dispute the increased bandwidth requirement in the IPR? Before the IPR institution, the parties had been litigating the same patent in other venues, including an International Trade Commission (“ITC”) investigation. Intel’s version of the claim interpretation in the IPR is actually the same construction which Qualcomm had offered and the ALJ had adopted in the ITC investigation. Intel once asserted the ITC interpretation as “overbroad” under Phillips but nevertheless chose to prove the claim invalidity under broadest reasonable interpretation (applied in the IPR where the petition was filed before the changes to the claim construction standard).  The increased bandwidth requirement also appeared in extrinsic evidence cited by Intel.  The parallel litigation situation apparently led to the parties’ agreement on the narrower claim interpretation.

[1] Qualcomm also challenged, and the Federal Circuit affirmed, the Board’s construction of a means-plus-function claim term, which is not discussed in this report.

Anything Under §101 Can be Patent Ineligible Subject Matter

Miki Motohashi | August 16, 2021

Yanbin Yu, Zhongxuan Zhang v. Apple Inc., Fed. Cir. 2020-1760Yanbin Yu, Zhongxuan Zhang v. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Samsung Electronics America, Inc., Fed. Cir. 2020-1803

Decided on June 11, 2021

Before Newman, Prost, and Taranto (Opinion by Prost, Dissenting opinion by Newman)


Yu had ’289 patent which is titled “Digital Cameras Using Multiple Sensors with Multiple Lenses” and sued Apple and Samsung at District Court for infringement. The District Court found that the ’289 patent is directed towards an abstract idea and does not include an inventive concept. The District Court held the patent was invalid under §101 and granted the defendant’s motion to dismiss. Yu appealed to the CAFC. The majority panel affirmed the District Court’s decision. However, Judge Newman dissented and wrote that the disputed patent is directed towards a mechanical and electronic device and not an abstract idea. The Judge also pointed out that neither the majority panel nor the District Court decided patentability under §102 or 103.



According to Yu, early digital camera technologies were starting to flourish in the 1990s. However, before the ’289 patent, “the technological limitations of then-existing image sensors—used as the capture mechanism—caused digital cameras to produce lower quality images compared with those produced by traditional film cameras.” The’289 patent was applied in 1999 and issued in 2003. Yu believed that “the ’289 patent solved the technological problems associated with prior digital cameras by providing an improved digital camera having multiple image sensors and multiple lenses.[1]” Yu also explained that “all dual-lens cameras on the market today use the techniques claimed in the ’289 Patent[2]” and therefore, sued Apple and Samsung (“the Defendants”) for infringement of claims 1, 2, and 4 of the ’289 patent in October 2018 (before the ’289 patent expires in 2019). In response, the Defendants filed a Rule 12(b)(6) motion to dismiss, asserting that the claims are directed towards an abstract idea under §101.

Claim 1 of the ’289 patent

1. An improved digital camera comprising:

            a first and a second image sensor closely positioned with respect to a common plane, said second image sensor sensitive to a full region of visible color spectrum;

            two lenses, each being mounted in front of one of said two image sensors;

said first image sensor producing a first image and said second image sensor producing a second image;

            an analog-to-digital converting circuitry coupled to said first and said second image sensor and digitizing said first and said second intensity images to produce correspondingly a first digital image and a second digital image;

            an image memory, coupled to said analog-to-digital converting circuitry, for storing said first digital image and said second digital image; and

            a digital image processor, coupled to said image memory and receiving said first digital image and said second digital image, producing a resultant digital image from said first digital image enhanced with said second digital image.

The District Court held that the ’289 patent was directed to “the abstract idea of taking two pictures and using those pictures to enhance each other in some way” and “the asserted claims lack an inventive concept, noting “the complete absence of any facts showing that the claimed elements were not well-known, routine, and conventional.” Therefore, the District Court concluded that the ’289 patent was directed to an ineligible subject matter and entered judgment for Defendants. Yu appealed to the CAFC.

Majority Opinion

At the CAFC, as we have seen in the various other §101 precedents, the panel applied the two-step Mayo/Alice framework.

Step 1: “Whether a patent claim is directed to an unpatentable law of nature, natural phenomenon, or abstract idea. Alice, 573 U.S. at 217.”

Step 2: If Step 1 is Yes, “Whether the claim nonetheless includes an “inventive concept” sufficient to “‘transform the nature of the claim’ into a patent-eligible application. Id.”

(If Step 2’s answer is No, the invention is not a patent-eligible subject matter.)

In the majority opinion filed by Judge Prost, as to Step 1, the court applied the approach to the Step 1 inquiry “by asking what the patent asserts to be the focus of the claimed advance over the prior art” and concluded that “claim 1 is “directed to a result or effect that itself is the abstract idea and merely invoke[s] generic processes and machinery” rather than “a specific means or method that improves the relevant technology.” The majority opinion also mentioned that “Yu does not dispute that, as the district court observed, the idea and practice of using multiple pictures to enhance each other has been known by photographers for over a century.” The majority opinion also noted that although, “Yu’s claimed invention is couched as an improved machine (an “improved digital camera”), … “whether a device is “a tangible system (in § 101 terms, a ‘machine’)” is not dispositive”. Thus, the majority panel concluded that “the focus of claim 1 is the abstract idea.”

As to Step 2, the majority opinion concludes that claim 1 does not include an inventive concept sufficient to transform the claimed abstract idea into a patent-eligible invention because “claim 1 is recited at a high level of generality and merely invokes well-understood, routine, conventional components to apply the abstract idea” discussed in Step 1. Yu raised the prosecution history to prove that “the ’289 patent were allowed over multiple prior art references.” Also, Yu argued that the claimed limitations are “unconventional” because “the claimed “hardware configuration is vital to performing the claimed image enhancement.” However, the court was not convinced with this argument and conclude that “the claimedhardware configuration itself is not an advance and does not itself produce the asserted advance of enhancement of one image by another, which, as explained, is an abstract idea.”

Thus, the majority of the court concluded that the ‘’289 patent is not patent-eligible subject matter under §101. Therefore, the court hold for the Defendants.

Dissenting Opinion

In the dissenting opinion, Judge Newman said that “this camera is a mechanical and electronic device of defined structure and mechanism; it is not an “abstract idea” and “a statement of purpose or advantage does not convert a device into an abstract idea.”

The judge explained that “claim 1 is not for the general idea of enhancing camera image”, but “for a digital camera having a designated structure and mechanism that perform specified functions.” The Judge further mentioned, “the ‘abstract idea’ concept with respect to patent-eligibility is founded in the distinction between general principle and specific application.” The Judge quoted Diamond v. Chakrabarty and emphasized that “Congress intended statutory subject matter to ‘include anything under the sun that is made by man.’”

Judge Newman noted that “the ’289 patent may or may not ultimately satisfy all the substantive requirements of patentability”, and noted that neither the majority opinion and the district court discussed §102 and §103.


  • After 7 years from Alice, we are still witnessing the profound impact that Alice has on §101 jurisprudence, and waiting for further judicial, legislative, and/or administrative clarity.
  • In a previous §101 decision in American Axel (previously reported by John P. Kong), the dissenting opinion by Judges Chen and Wallach criticized that §101 swallowed §112.  Now, Judge Newman criticized that §101 swallowed §102 and §103. The dire warning by the Supreme Court about §101 swallowing all of patent law seems to have come full circle.
  • Judge Newman’s criticism of §101 swallowing §102 and §103 can be an added argument for appeal for another case and may help get these issues before the Supreme Court.
  • John P. Kong said that The approach for determining the Step 1 inquiry, i.e., “by asking what the patent asserts to be the focus of the claimed advance over the prior art” is the source of much of the court’s criticisms.  This approach was never vetted, and it conflates §101 with §102 and §103 issues.  First, this “focus” is just another name for deriving the “point of novelty,” “gist,” “heart,” or “thrust” of the invention, which had previously been discredited by Supreme Court and Federal Circuit decisions relating to §102 and §103 issues.  The problem with tests such as these is that it subtracts out various “conventional” features of the claimed invention (like what is done for the “claimed advance over the prior art”), and thus violates the Supreme Court requirement to consider the claim “as a whole.”  If the point of novelty, gist, or heart of the invention contravenes the requirement to consider the claim “as a whole” in the §102 and §103 contexts, then it should likewise contravene the same Supreme Court requirement to consider the claim “as a whole” in the §101 context (as noted in John P. Kong’ “Today’s Problems with §101 and the Latest Federal Circuit Spin in American Axle v. Neapco” powerpoint, Dec. 2020).  Judge Newman’s dissent echoes the same.
  • John P. Kong also said that Enfish moved up into Step 1 the “improvement in technology” comment in Alice regarding the inventive concept consideration under Step 2 because some computer technology isn’t inherently abstract and thus should not be automatically subject to Alice’s Step 2 and its inventive-concept test.  Enfish only had a passing reference to “inquiring into the focus of the claimed advance over the prior art” citing Genetic Techs v. Merial (Fed. Cir. 2016), as support for considering the “improvement in technology” in Alice Step 1.  Herein lies the problem.  The “improvement in technology” concept pertains to whether the claims are directed to a practical application, instead of an abstract idea.  The “claimed advance over prior art” is not a substitute for, and not the same as, determining whether there is a practical application reflected in an improvement in technology.  Stated differently, there can still be a practical application (and therefore not an abstract idea) even without checking the prior art and subtracting out “conventional” elements from the claim to discern a “claimed advance over the prior art.”  While a positive answer to the “claimed advance over the prior art” would satisfy the “improvement in technology” point as being a practical application justifying eligibility, a negative answer to the “claimed advance over the prior art” does not diminish the claim being directed to a practical application (such as for an electric vehicle charging system, a garage door opener, a manufacturing method for a car’s driveshaft, or for a camera).  But, in Electric Power Group v Alstom (Fed. Cir. 2016), the Fed. Cir. considered whether the “advance” is an abstract idea using a computer as a tool or a technological improvement in the computer or computer functionality (in an “improvement in technology” inquiry).   And then, in Affinity Labs of Texas LLC v. DirecTV LLC, the Fed Cir cemented the “claimed advance” spin into Step 1, subtracting out “general components such as a cellular telephone, a graphical user interface, and a downloadable application” to arrive at a purely functional remainder that constituted an abstract idea of out-of-region delivery of broadcast content, without offering any technological means of effecting that concept (the 1-2 knockout of: subtract generic elements, and no “how-to” for the remainder).  This laid the groundwork for §101 swallowing §§112, 102 and 103.

[1] See Brief, USDC ND of Ca Appeal Nos. 20-1760, -1803.

[2] See Yu v. Apple, United States District Court for the Northern District of California in No. 3:18-cv-06181-JD

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